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7 Things That Happen In The Poldark Series Finale

Poldark Finale: An Emotional End of an Era

Poldark Season 5 Episode 8: An Emotional End of an Era

7 Things That Happen in the Poldark Series Finale

Ross Learns the Identity of His Mystery Benefactor

In a surprising twist, Ross learns that his mysterious benefactor is none other than his estranged wife, Demelza. Demelza had been secretly using her inheritance to help Ross financially, hoping to win back his love.

After being accused of being a highwayman, Ross is arrested but later acquitted due to a lack of evidence Meanwhile, Demelza struggles to adjust to life as a single mother.

Dwight Enlists in the Army

Dwight, who has always been in love with Demelza, enlists in the army to escape his heartbreak. He is later killed in action, leaving Demelza devastated.

The war with France takes its toll on Cornwall, and many young men are killed or injured. Ross is forced to face the harsh realities of war, and he begins to question his own beliefs.

George Warleggan's Downfall

George Warleggan, Ross's sworn enemy, is finally brought to justice. He is arrested for his crimes and sentenced to transportation. His wife, Elizabeth, is left alone and destitute.

Ross and Demelza are finally reunited, and they begin a new chapter in their lives together. They have two more children, and they live happily ever after.

Emotional End of the Road

The Poldark series finale was an emotional end of an era. It was a bittersweet ending that left fans satisfied but also a little bit sad. The show had been a part of their lives for five seasons, and it was hard to say goodbye.

However, the finale also gave fans a sense of closure. Ross and Demelza finally found happiness together, and they were able to overcome all of the obstacles that had been thrown their way. The show ended on a positive note, and it left fans with a sense of hope for the future.
